Welcome to West Michigan Chiropractic
& Sports of Jenison website
Phone: 616.662.4990
Call to make an Appointment today
-Office hours-
Dr. BJ Steketee
Monday 8AM - 12PM
Tuesday 8AM - 12PM & 2:30PM - 6PM
Thursday 8AM - 12PM & 2:30PM - 6PM
Saturday 8AM - Noon - By Appointment
Dr. Don Steketee
Monday 8AM - 12PM & 2:30PM - 6PM
Wednesday 8AM - 12PM & 2:30PM - 6PM
Friday 8AM - 12PM & 2:30PM - 6PM
Dr. BJ Steketee is in the office M,T,TH,Saturday
Dr. Don Steketee is in the office Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Phone: 616.662.4990
*Call to make an Appointment today*
Happy Retirement Dr. Rockwell! Thank you for 40 Years of Service to our community!
We would like to wish Dr. Rockwell the Best in his retirement! Starting January 1, 2023 Dr. Rockwell has entrusted all patient care to Dr. BJ Steketee for Georgetown Chiropractic. We are excited for the future to continue the family legacy providing the same amazing care that all the Georgetown patients have known and loved for the last 40 years! Please continue to use the same phone number when calling to schedule your appointments

Dr. BJ Steketee was honored to be a part of Team USA at the 2019 World Speed Skating Championships in Barcelona Spain. See how Team USA did by clicking on the photo tab.
We are proud to be a sponsor of the Grattan Race Series again this year on Wednesday nights at the Grattan Raceway! Check it out on facebook